Security Coordination Centre SCC Ltd. Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 412, Belgrade

Security Coordination Centre SCC Ltd. Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 412, 11000 Belgrade


Modern management of the company, especially regional company that receives and process confidential information from TSOs, requires design and implementation of Information Security Management System (ISMS). 

ISMS of SCC has been assessed and found to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard. Certificate was given by Denetik International Certification and remains valid subject to satisfactory Surveillance audits and Re-certification audit due before 7 September, 2025.

Additionally, SCC’s ISMS is expanded by designing and implementing information security controls according to the document “OPDE/ATOM Security Plan” (which is a part of document “Minimum Viable Solution Agreement for OPDE and ATOM”) in order to ensure that OPDE data is transferred, stored and process securely, due its confidential nature.