SCC, RSC, SEE RSC, Belgrade, Serbia, STA forecasts

Vojvode Stepe 412, Belgrade

SCC, RSC, SEE RSC, Belgrade, Serbia, STA forecasts

Vojvode Stepe 412, 11000 Belgrade

SERVICES | STA forecasts

Short Term Adequacy (STA) is one of core RSC services that aims to determine whether the available generation and possibilities for import satisfy the forecasted load in the week ahead time horizon. Input data for adequacy assessment are generation availability, renewables forecast, load forecast, and values of net transfer capacities. The two main approaches are deterministic and probabilistic. The deterministic approach considers input data representing the best predicted state. The input data for the probabilistic approach is dependent on meteorological and historical conditions.

SCC is involved in performing STA operational services for European TSOs with other RSCs on a rotational basis, according to the official methodology. STA process is one of the main parts of every regional procedure for detecting Critical Grid Situations either in winter or even summer tense periods. STA is performed on pan-European level, daily for following seven days. In case of unsatisfied adequacy on pan-European level, regional STA process should be performed under the leadership of corresponding RSC. Regional STA methodology has a goal to resolve adequacy issues and coordinate the actions in different regions. All participants are using the same IT solutions for performing the calculations and for the coordination.

Besides the operation aspect, SCC is an active participant in the ENTSO-E Project group for STA service development. SCC is involved in both the business process and the STA tool development. Evolutions are extensive because of the evolving policies resulting in the increasing internal electricity market, the integration of large amounts of renewable energy sources, new storage technologies, demand-side response, and a highly interconnected European grid.