SCC, RSC, SEE RSC, Belgrade, Serbia, E&R planning

Vojvode Stepe 412, Belgrade

SCC, RSC, SEE RSC, Belgrade, Serbia, E&R planning

Vojvode Stepe 412, 11000 Belgrade

SERVICES | E&R planning

The Network Code on Electricity Emergency and Restoration (NCER) describes regional coordination between TSOs in the network states of emergency and restoration (E&R). The main objective of this process is to bring the system back to the normal state. SCC supports its TSO service users in the E&R planning process by performing consistency assessment of system defence and restoration plans. This support includes finding potential inconsistencies in system defence and restoration plans, as well as proposing relieving measures.

The NCER entered into force in 2017. Being EU regulation, this network code imposed certain legal obligations for EU TSOs. On the other hand, SEE region consist of both EU and non-EU TSOs. The implementation of EU regulation in electricity sector is regulated in the contract on establishing the Energy Community, concluded between SEE countries and European Commission. At the moment, SOGL (System Operation Guideline) and NCER are not adopted for implementation in Energy Community Contracting Parties. This means that SOGL and NCER can be only partially implemented by non-EU TSOs, within existing national legal and regulatory frameworks (so called early implementation). Fortunately, these frameworks in majority of SEE Contracting Parties are harmonized with ‘3rd Energy package’, which means that all crucial technical aspects of SOGL and NCER can be implemented by SEE non-EU TSOs.

All stated above, legal preconditions are created so SEE non-EU TSOs are in position to sign SAFA (Synchronous Area Framework Agreement) for RGCE (Regional Group Continental Europe), although with significant number of exemptions and derogations. As SAFA refers to the entire NCER and SOGL this agreement provides legal basis to non-EU TSOs to perform E&R activities.

According to the Article 6 of NCER, TSOs and RSCs should take part in Consistency check of system defence and restoration plans process. Final outcome of this process is technical report on consistency check, which is verified by all relevant TSOs.

Borders of TSOs are subject of Consistency check process. For every border, TSOs verifies and fill necessary data concerning NCER Article 6 (1). SCC leads the process of coordination between TSOs on every relevant border in SEE and checks consistency of collected data. There are also common borders of two RSCs. In this case, contributions from TSOs are double verified, by both RSCs. Final goal of harmonization process is to have common contribution from both neighbouring TSOs for all considered borders. When all the data for all relevant borders have been collected and harmonized, SCC creates report on consistency check based on TSOs contributions. TSOs need to approve final version of report created by SCC. Finally, SCC in coordination with ENTSO-E expert team and other RSCs in Europe contributes in process of creating of Pan-European report on Consistency check.