Security Coordination Centre SCC Ltd. Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 412, Belgrade

Security Coordination Centre SCC Ltd. Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 412, 11000 Belgrade

NEWS | Regional Coordination Conference

18. November 2022.

Every year, the Regional Coordination Conference brings together leading experts from the industry, associations, EU institutions, regulatory authorities, the academic world and the Member States to debate on developments and challenges related to TSO regional coordination and the European power system in general.

After four successful editions, the Regional Coordination Conference 2022 set foot in South East Europe. This year’s event, the 5th Regional Coordination Conference “TSO regional coordination in Europe: from positive experience towards new challenges” is successfully hosted by SCC and SEleNe CC, in collaboration with ENTSO-E, on the November 18, 2022 as online event.

This conference offered the possibility to deep dive into the progress made in terms of TSO regional coordination since last year, and into the recent developments such as the transition to Regional Coordination Centres. The Regional Coordination Conference 2022 also focused on key milestones regarding the regional cooperation in South East Europe.


More info about conference you can find on dedicated website: