JSC Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE) is Georgian TSO which aims for full integration into ENTSO-E. As part of a five-day workshop organized by EKC for Georgian TSO delegation, SCC’s engineers participated as lecturers on the topic of power system security of supply. As part of the presentation, a visit to the premises of SCC was also organized.
At the workshop, SCC’s experts gave their best to provide answers to all questions and to introduce the concept of regional coordination and its importance in power system operation to GSE representatives.
Bearing in mind that integration into ENTSO-E and potential synchronization with the rest of the Continental European System is a long-term and demanding process, in this sense it is necessary to work on a wider set of requirements and implement them one by one. One of the important factors for most ENTSO-E members is regional coordination, without which the operation of the interconnection of continental Europe and the pan-European TSOs in general is practically unimaginable.
The SCC had the honor to host the representatives of the high-level management of GSE and to bring regional coordination and its importance as close as possible in a short but fruitful discussion.